Development of an Object Detection System Using Deep Learning

Project Details
  • Developed an object detection system using the YOLOv3 deep learning algorithm
    • Utilized Python and OpenCV libraries to implement the algorithm
    • Researched and analyzed various deep learning algorithms before settling on YOLOv3
  • Fine-tuned YOLO algorithm using Tensorflow v2.0
    • Utilized transfer learning techniques to improve the accuracy of the model
    • Trained the model on a large dataset of images and annotations
  • Incorporated pre-trained weights from the COCO dataset to improve the model's accuracy.
    • COCO dataset contains 80 classes of objects and is widely used for object detection tasks
  • Performed hyperparameter tuning to optimize the model's performance.
    • Experimented with different learning rates, batch sizes, and activation functions
    • Monitored the model's performance on a validation set to avoid overfitting
  • Implemented non-maximum suppression to improve the model's ability to detect multiple
    instances of an object.
    • Non-maximum suppression is a technique used to eliminate redundant detections
    • Improved the overall accuracy of the model by reducing false positive detections
  • Evaluated the model using metrics such as mean average precision (MAP) and Intersection
    over Union (IoU)
    • MAP is a measure of the model's ability to correctly detect objects in an image
    • IoU measures the overlap between the ground truth and predicted bounding boxes
  • Focused on the cloud platform Google Colab for the implementation
    • Utilized Google Colab's GPU to speed up the training process
    • Avoided the need for expensive hardware by leveraging cloud computing resources
  • Finished in first place during the department-wide symposium
    • Presented the project to a panel of experts and received high praise for its accuracy and performance.
    • Demonstrated the ability to apply deep learning concepts in a practical setting.

Automation Detection
Live beings Detection
Detected Stills
Project Winner


A Subtle Approach for Object Detection

Galib Shahriar

IST, 2020


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